Everything’s Blue

Everything’s Blue. Dark story in the cold void of space. It was revealed to me in a dream. There’s a hidden NIN inside there. I like this, I like the darkness behind it.

Everything’s Blue

               My eyes aren’t doing me much good. The psychoscope makes my vision all fuzzy, but I’d be completely blind without it. It lets me kind of see the edges of objects by making them slightly less black than everything else. I suppose it does have some infrared technology, but that’s not what it’s utilised for. Its primary functioning is visualising psychoactive activity, but I don’t know what that means. I am just a maintenance engineer on the Geist I space station. Something catastrophic happened an hour or two ago, but I don’t know what. I can’t find anyone and systems are failing. I was drawn into the Psychotronics laboratory where all the lights had gone out. I tripped over the white helmet with a single blue lens that is now in front of my eyes. It had come off a corpse which I tripped over next.

               The corpse’s head had been obliterated into a huge blood stain in which I threw up in.

               A lot of Geist I that was not dedicated to research and development was less like a space station and more like a luxurious hotel. I’ve never been to Psychotronics, I don’t have access. I had been working in the life support facility for many months. I don’t know why I had come here, maybe it was some curiosity or maybe I want to find something I don’t know exists. People don’t think rationally when unexpected situations arise. And I kind of regret coming here now. I can’t find my way anywhere and I’m getting hungry. I don’t know what I was expecting to find here.

               I am moving slowly in the direction in which I think I had come from. And I think I see something on the wall. It must be a glass panel that surrounds the huge shaft of the main elevator. I walk up to it a little afraid of the unknown.

               The shaft is triangular and I can vaguely make out the edges, as much as the psychoscope lets me at least. I am crouching and looking.

               But something catches my eye. It looks like there is a spot on the other side of the shaft that is slightly brighter than everything else.

               I observe it for what feels like minutes, I don’t know if I’m anticipating something.


               The spot makes a movement as if it were a person sitting up.

               My heart is pounding and I am paralysed as I see the spot move again as if the person turned towards me and then it fades out in the span of a few seconds.

               The temperature systems must be failing because it’s awfully cold here.

               What have I just witnessed?

               Did I hear something behind me?

               I am blinded by what I see behind me. The spot grows and turns from blue to green to red to white and spills out along the edges of what is taking a step so loud it feels like it could shatter every bone in my body. It takes another step and I try to skidder away.

               The shape is humanoid, but definitely not human.

               Everything’s blue.

               I think its head is grown into the torso and the legs are way too thin.

               I could tell better if the psychoscope was any good with displaying shapes and colours.

               Everything’s blue in this world.

               It throws its arms forward and they seem to split into a million tendrils writhing upwards and around itself.

               The deepest shade of mushroom blue.

               And I think they are in my mind as well.


               It’s stealing from me!

               The thief already has all of my posessions in their bag and is running away.

               I desperately claw and bite to get the thoughts back, but for every I save, twenty more get stolen.

               And in the end another blast of brightness occurs and tears my body to shreds.

               I know this, because now my thoughts are somewhere else.

               Spilling out of my head…

               Somewhere very cold and inhospitable.

               I think they are getting digested slowly, slowly, by a vicious, black acid.

               I live here now.

Jan. Summer 2018.

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